Springing into Life!
Does it seem to you that spring-cleaning is in our DNA? Are you one of those people who, as soon as the days stay lighter longer, you’re sweeping under couch, shaking out rugs, and vacuuming who-knows-what that’s accumulated behind the dryer? I totally am.
Spring cleaning may indeed be biological in nature. During the winter, our bodies produce more melatonin, a hormone known for inducing sleepiness. On the other hand, when we’re exposed to more sunshine, our bodies produce less melatonin – it’s as if we have a “spring awakening,” and many of us channel that energy into cleaning out and cleaning up.
Well, right now is a great time to spring-clean your kitchen, and learn some tips for making meal prep faster and easier so you have more time to enjoy the great outdoors! This month, I'll help you with getting your healthful spring cleaning on, and I’ll also post springtime recipes that taste great and are good for your body and soul.
If you have a spring cleaning tip or special spring ritual, I’d love to hear it! Please share it in the comments.
If springtime is motivating you to make some changes to look and feel better, consider working with your own personal Health Coach, ahem, me! Studies show that people are twice as likely to achieve their goals when they have support. Wink wink, nudge nudge.