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Hydrate to Feel Great

Summer is here! During the hot days ahead, it’s more important than ever to stay hydrated. In fact, studies show that millions of people are dehydrated every day and don’t realize it. Do you suffer from any of these common signs of dehydration?

1. Fatigue 
2. Headaches 
3. Brain fog or confusion 
4. Dizziness 
5. Muscle weakness or cramps 
6. Constipation 
7. Dry, itchy skin

Also, sometimes we think we're hungry when we're actually just thirsty. Our bodies are smart, but we can get confused about that. So remember to re-hydrate. You may be surprised by how much your symptoms improve or that they may disappear.

Imagine flowers in a vase that are wilting. What happens when you refill the vase with water? You can see them come back to life! That’s what happens to your cells when they are dehydrated and then re-hydrated. Of course, it’s best to hydrate BEFORE you are even thirsty (or wilted). The rule of thumb is that if you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.

Even if we know we should stay hydrated, many of us are plain bored with plain water. And that means that sometimes we grab a drink that seems more exciting, but can have the opposite effect – like a soda or sports drink. Many of these contain sugar and sodium, which can actually cause you to feel thirstier! Still, drinking something is better than nothing – that’s why you’ll often hear me say that healthy food and drink choices are a matter of “good, better, best.” So what are some better choices that are as good for us as plain water, but not as boring? How about unsweetened iced tea or water with lemon or other fruit? With a little creativity, you can hydrate without boredom.

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