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3 Hurdles that Get in the Way of Your Home Workouts

Home workouts have become the norm for a lot of us in the last year, and many people were exercising at home long before that. There are some great benefits to working out at home, and it’s a good way to save money on a gym membership. But, a lot of people find that they struggle to keep up with a routine - and even if they do exercise regularly, they’re not getting good results.

If you are finding it tough to get the most out of your home workouts, consider whether some of these things are getting in the way. 

Distractions Around the Home

Finding the motivation to exercise is tough, but it’s even harder when you are at home. If you’re in the gym, there is nothing else to do except exercise, and when you’ve made the effort to get there, you may as well get a workout in. But, when you are at home, there are plenty of things to distract you. It’s a lot easier to sit down and watch TV instead of working out. People are easily distracted by chores around the house, too, so they end up skipping workouts and convincing themselves that it’s okay because they’re being productive. A lot of people have trouble fitting exercise into their routine for this very reason, so you need to find a way to avoid the distractions. Getting up earlier and doing a workout while everybody else in the house is asleep is a good way to avoid distractions. You should also think of the things that normally distract you as a reward after you’ve finished your workout. 

Indoor Air Pollution

If you don’t get much out of your workouts because you are out of breath as soon as you get started, it might just be that you are out of shape. But! Have you considered that it could be a problem with indoor air pollution? There are a lot of pollutants in the home, some from outside and some from the chemicals in cleaning products or the fumes given off by cooking. In some cases, a broken air conditioning unit could be pumping more pollutants into your home, too. Breathing all of these pollutants in while exercising can lead to shortness of breath and make it difficult to get the most out of your workout. Try calling a 24 hour AC repair company to service your air conditioning unit for you. You can also make the switch to natural cleaning products and make sure that your extractor fan in the kitchen is running properly and that will make a difference. If possible, open some windows while exercising and you may find that the shortness of breath disappears. 

Doing the Wrong Workout

This is a common mistake that so many people make. If you don’t like the workouts you do, it’s impossible to find the motivation to push yourself. So, if you hate HIIT workouts, don’t do them just because you think you’ll get better results! That’s just silly! There are so many amazing fitness channels on YouTube where you can find a range of different workouts. Experiment with some different ones until you find one that you enjoy and you will find it much easier to stay motivated.

Home workouts can be an effective way to get in shape, but you have to watch out for these hurdles that get in the way of your progress. 

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