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5 Reasons Why Training with Kids is Good for You and Them

When you are starting a fitness routine, it can be tough to find the right pace. So, it's important to make variety a priority in your workouts. Variety also applies to your training partners. A gym buddy can make a huge difference to your motivation and gains. But being active with your kids has unexpected benefits you can't afford to miss. Here's why it's a good idea to plan a weekly activity with your kids when you are trying to establish a healthy and happy lifestyle. 

It's fun

Creating a fitness routine that works for you can be challenging. Making training exciting is not easy. But when you start exercising with kids, everything can become a game. You are not just running; you are chasing dragons, for example. Training with kids is fun, and once you find the fun side of training, you are guaranteed to stick with it. 

Fun activities are filled with laughter. From a biological perspective, it means your body can release serotonin and dopamine, the happy hormones, which instantly transform your attitude toward training. 

You can relearn the basics

You may assume that you know how to do something because you've been doing it for years. But if you experience soreness after an exercise, it could be a sign that you need to improve your posture. For example, if your child is taking swim classes, why not join them or join adult classes to make sure you've got the right form? The majority of sports injuries can be linked to an incorrect form. So, it's worth going back to the basics with your child. 

Motivation is never an issue

For kids, being active doesn't involve motivation challenges. It is part of everyday life. Physical activities are integral to children's games and interactions. Therefore, your training buddy is unlikely to look for excuses to claim a rest day. Kids have high energy expenditure, so they are always up for a game, whether it involves running, throwing balls, or even swimming. 

It's easy to maintain an active lifestyle when you are surrounded by kids who are excited about physical activities!

It brings you closer together

Spending quality time with your child will strengthen your bond. As a parent, it can be tough to make time for your family during the week. So creating a schedule for sports activities together, even if it is only once a week or once a fortnight, lets your child know that you still seek time with them. Between hefty work schedules and household chores, your options are limited. So, planning to cycle in the park or play basketball together helps maintain your bond through their teenage years. 

It improves your health and theirs

Being active is obviously beneficial to your health. Yet being active together while having fun boosts both your physical and mental health. 

Children, especially teenagers who are prone to anxiety about their bodies, are more likely to build a positive relationship with sports. It can also become a stress relief mechanism during adolescence. 

Doing sports with kids can be a lot of fun. It is fair to say that you want to pick the right activity for their age groups and competencies. However, once you've selected the right type of activity together, you can enjoy quality time and create a fun experience that helps you grow closer and healthier. 

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