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5 Tips to Help You Recover After a Sports Injury

Experiencing a sports injury is tough on your physical and mental health, and you’ll want to ensure a speedy recovery. Getting better can take some time, however there are a few things you can do to support the process.

Sports injury aftercare

It’s important that you rest after a sports injury. You should rest for at least 2 days, and try not to put any weight on the area. You should also use an ice-pack, applying this to the area for around 20 minutes, at 3 hour intervals. After 48 hours the swelling will start to go down.

You should compress the area using a medical bandage, this will also help to reduce the swelling. Use a pillow to elevate your affected body part, doing so will ease the pain and throbbing. Simple steps like these will help to speed up your recovery after a sports injury.

Rehabilitation exercises

After you have a sports injury you may need to see a physiotherapist. A trained physical therapist will be able to provide you with a range of stretches and exercises, to support your rehabilitation.

You’ll also be able to access advice about which activities are safe for you to practice. Depending on your type of injury you might be able to do low-impact exercises like walking or swimming.

Attend yoga classes 

Some yoga classes are suitable for people who’ve been recently injured. You may even be able to find a yoga class that’s aimed at rehabilitation specifically. If not, gentle yoga styles may be suitable, including Yin, Hatha, or Restorative Yoga.

Before you begin the class, it’s important to tell your instructor about your injury. This way, they can support you and keep you safe.

If you’re unable to get to a yoga class, there are several yoga apps which might be suitable including Daily Yoga, Glo Yoga, or Track Yoga.

Specialist support 

Depending on your type of injury, you might require the support of a specialist. For example, if you’ve injured your foot you might be looking for a podiatrist near me

A podiatrist supports patients with foot injuries, or health issues that affect the feet. These medical specialists can help with a range of issues including sprains and fractures, nail disorders, and even diabetes.

Take it slow

When you’re recovering from a sports injury, it’s important to take things slowly. It may take a long while to return to your normal exercise regime. Follow the advice of your doctor, and listen to your body. Try not to over-do things, attempting strenuous activities may hinder your recovery.

At the same time, it’s important to support your mental health. Experiencing an injury can put you under a lot of stress, which is why it’s important to have lots of self-care strategies in place. There are many different self-care practices you could try, including meditation and aromatherapy. 

Using these tips you’ll support your recovery and progress. Remember, it’s vital to do your research when you’re looking for health care professionals. Whether you need a physical therapist or podiatrist, you’ll want the best health support to aid your recovery.

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