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Common Habits that are Harming Your Teeth

Your teeth are incredibly important to your overall health, so you’ll want to take good care of them. Make sure you aren’t doing these four common things that can harm your teeth.

Using Your Teeth as a Tool

Teeth are for eating. They are not a multi-tool! You may use them as a tool to open a package, peel something off, or even open a bottle (OMG. This is the last thing that you want, as it will damage your teeth and gums.

Biting Nails

Nail-biting is one of the most common bad habits. It is also a habit that is very harmful to your teeth. When you have a habit of biting your nails, it damages the shape of your teeth. This can lead to misshapen teeth, and, more importantly, pain. Try to kick habits like this if you want your teeth to stay strong and healthy.

Chewing Ice

Chewing ice may seem harmless, but it’s not good for your throat and it is not good for your teeth either. Your teeth and your roots will be damaged by the regular munching on ice. If you have dental implants then you can really damage your teeth too, so again, avoid it even if you do not have natural teeth.

Eating Too Much Sugar

This is probably the most obvious one on the list. If you have too much sugar in your diet, then this will wreak havoc on your teeth. Remember, everything is okay in moderation, but if you cannot go without sugar or if you crave it then a detox may be what you need to try and make sure that you can make healthier choices. It will also give you the chance to focus on your health more so keep that in mind.

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