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Five Ways to Defend Your Health this Winter

Coughs, colds, and the flu season accompany the cooler winter weather, as does winter weight gain for some of us. It's critical that you stay on top of your nutrition and stay well-nourished during this time.

Root Vegetables

Sticking to a healthy diet won't keep you from being sick this winter, but it will help your immune system stay in good shape and protect you better. In addition, if you become unwell, a well-balanced diet can aid in your recuperation.

It might be difficult to maintain heart-healthy lifestyle modifications, such as eating enough fruits and vegetables, over the winter. At this time of year, the variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables decreases, and the weather might make getting out and about less enticing. While sunshine may be scarce, there are still strategies to maintain a healthy diet with seasonal produce.

Defend Against the Flu

Even if you don't feel like eating or drinking, it's critical to do so while you're sick with the flu to avoid dehydration. Put together a supply of quick and simple meals that you can keep on hand in your refrigerator and freezer. To ensure that any pre-prepared foods contain the correct nutritional information, simply double-check the label. Reduce the amount of saturated fat and salt in your diet whenever possible.

Make Sure You're Getting Your 5-a-Day

Add more root vegetables such as parsnips, carrots, and turnips to your mashed potatoes to meet your 5-a-day requirement. Stay away from comfort foods at all costs. Cold weather and long nights may make it more difficult to resist the allure of comfort food, especially during the colder winter months. Instead of giving in to your cravings, make yourself a cup of homemade vegetable soup or a bowl of stewed fruit to keep you going until your next meal comes along.

Be Your Own Medical Advocate 

You are your best advocate when it comes to medical treatment to need and deserve. If you feel as though something isn’t right then you need to make sure you fight for yourself, even more so in the colder months. If you receive treatment that you think is wrong or has caused you more harm you may want to consider speaking to medical malpractice attorneys

Go Shopping Online

If it's tough to get out and about when it's cold and icy, consider ordering large, heavy items online and having them delivered to your door (if you don't have internet access, several supermarkets also accept orders over the phone). However, getting out is crucial, so do so if you're shopping for a few small items and don't have any large bags to carry. Don't be hesitant to use frozen vegetables; they're often more nutritious than fresh and will keep in the freezer for a long time, so there won't be any waste.

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