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Winterize Your Smoothies

You may not want to start every morning with a smoothie like you might enjoy doing in the hot summer months, but a healthy smoothie is an undeniably quick and delicious breakfast option on busy mornings. You don't have to kick them to the curb until summer with these tips and tricks to winterize your smoothies.  

Take a look at winter foods

Those things we fill our plates with during winter, think winter squash or collards, may not seem like your normal smoothie ingredients, but you’d be missing out! Switch out your spinach for collards and bananas for frozen butternut squash or sweet potato for vitamin-packed creaminess.

Color is everything

Choose fruits, vegetables, and spices that are red, orange, and yellow over the cooler colors. Think beets, carrots, pumpkin, etc. These are winter stars and have vitamins you need.

 Save tropical fruits for summertime

There's nothing more summery than mango or pineapple, especially together. But in the winter, choose foods grown in season. They will be cheaper, better on the environment, and taste much better. Apples and pears are both great examples of the bounty of this season. Try them in a smoothie with some cinnamon and nutmeg for a real treat.

Don't forget you need protein and fat

This is a year-round tip. You will never feel full or satisfied if you only fill your smoothie with fruits and vegetables. Choose healthy fats like avocado, and don't forget more protein through seeds, nuts, or hemp. Protein powder is a superb choice and easy to add to your smoothie. I like the taste and nutrition of whey protein, but any one you like is great!

Add some spices

Don't forget about delicious spices that go with the flavors of the season! These can add more flavor while boosting the health profile of your winter smoothies. Cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, turmeric, and nutmeg are perfect ways to customize the taste and get more antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to thrive during the colder weather. And they are so, so good.

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