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Natural Ways to Get Rid of Bloating

The comforting food of winter is something most of us look forward to. Those same meals are typically very filling and bloating, leaving you feeling sluggish. Here’s how to win the battle with the bloat!

Stay hydrated

Part of the problem when you feel bloated is that you’re not flushing out your body with water. On top of that, it’s tough to tell the difference between hungry and thirsty. If you drink enough water, you’ll be less likely to overeat.

Walk it off

Before you fall into that food coma, get up and go for a walk around the neighborhood. It helps you digest your food plus the fresh air will do you some good!

Eat with mindfulness

Another advantage to drinking enough water is that when a meal is served, you’ll be less likely to overeat. Coupled with chewing slowly and taking your time during the meal, you won’t feel that post-meal bloat.

Choose fruit

Between meals, it’s tempting to dig into goodies. But if you truly want to stave of bloating, snack on fruit when you feel hungry. Fruits with more potassium are best to battle the bloat. Think bananas - yum!

Go pro

Probiotics that is. Start ahead of the bloat by eating foods that are naturally probiotic. Try Greek yogurt, or if you like to spice things up, give Korea’s famous side dish, kimchi, a try. Probiotics help your natural gut bacteria do what it’s supposed to do.

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