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Small Stress Triggers We Often Overlook

Stress is a feeling we all experience - most of us experience more often than we would like to (what’s up, overachievers!?). It’s important to deal with stress. Otherwise, it can have a negative impact on your wellbeing. In order to deal with any type of stress, you need to determine the root cause of it, and this is where the problem often lies for a lot of us. We don’t realize that certain things are stressing us out to a significant degree. So, let’s take a look at some unusual sources of stress you may need to deal with.

Opening your inbox

Something so simple and everyday can skyrocket your stress levels. It is not the fact that our inboxes seem to be expanding at a rapid rate or the sheer number of emails we receive. It is more to do with the fact that we keep checking them again, and again, and again. The best thing to do is allocate yourself a portion of the day for checking your emails, and make sure you don’t check them during any other time.


So, this is not something that can often be helped. However, lengthy drives to work on a daily basis can increase depression and anxiety. This is because our cortisol levels creep higher the longer we are in transit - especially if you live in a congested area. See if there are alternative ways to get to work, for example, biking to work, or ask if you can do some days from home and telecommute instead. If you need mobility aids for commuting, www.scootersnchairs.com/blogs/mobility-scooters/best-high-ground-clearance-suspension-mobility-scooters is an excellent resource.

Forgetting to take your medication

Are you someone who often forgets to take your medication? Maybe you don’t use your nebulizer as often as you should? Maybe you forget to take your contraceptive pill at the same time every day? If so, this could quite easily be a source of stress. After all, you start to feel anxious that your body is not getting what it needs, or that you have caused any sort of harm to your health and wellbeing. The best way to combat this is to use an alarm on your phone to remind you to take your medication, or download one of the smartphone apps that are available to help with this.


Dieting is meant to make you feel better. You are making healthy changes to your life and ensuring you get the nutrition you need. However, if you are going to extreme lengths to diet, this is never good. Plus, if you are putting far too much strain on yourself, you are setting yourself up to cheat, which then amplifies anxiety and stress.

If any of the unusual sources of stress that have been mentioned above sound like something you can relate to, it’s important to take the steps to deal with them. You will be shocked by how much better this will make you feel. After all, something seemingly little can cause a great deal of aggravation if you allow it.

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