January 19, 2020: Weight Loss Myths
My weekly Get Your Stuff Together Sunday email series gives you one actionable focus for the week that will make your life a little easier.
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When starting out on a lifestyle change, you likely spend plenty of time researching what you should do and how you decide to proceed. But, there’s a lot of misinformation being shared, and I want to make sure you know what’s fact and what’s fiction. This week, we’re going to talk about the most popularly shared weight loss myths you’ll come across.
If you eat fat you will get fat: Speaking purely from a nutritional standpoint, there are some fats you should absolutely stay away from, like trans fat, and there are those that should be used sparingly, like saturated fats. But, there are also good fats – monosaturated and polyunsaturated - that should be included in a healthy diet. These fats will not only keep you feeling full, but they also contain heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids that can lower blood pressure, reduce blood clotting and decrease stroke and heart failure. Examples of good fats: avocados, nuts, flax seeds, olive oil.
Carbs should be eliminated from your diet: There’s a lot of back and forth on this subject, especially when popular diets like paleo and keto are all about living the low-carb life. But there’s a reason carbs are still included on the food pyramid or the new food plate for a well-balanced diet. Carbs are essential to fueling your body and brain. But just like fat, it’s all about what kind of carbs you’re fueling your body with. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are the ideal ways to provide the necessary intake.
You can exercise the pounds away: When starting on a lifestyle change, the immediate assumption is that you need to hit the gym and work out religiously. But exercising morning, noon, and night will leave you exhausted and sore and can cause you to quit before you’ve gotten your habits off the ground. Here’s what you really need to know: Introducing a fitness routine is just one part of a successful change, and a well-balanced diet makes up 80% of a healthy lifestyle change, especially when we’re talking about weight loss. Working out has a ton of health benefits, but make sure when starting out you’re not overdoing it and you’re taking advice from a professional who will show you how to start safely.
A cheat day is okay. Rewarding yourself every now and then is awesome. But, an entire day devoted to pigging out on all the things you’ve avoided is not. Make your “cheats” count by having splurge one meal or a treat occasionally, as not to derail your progress. When you overdo it one day, the next day will leave you feeling sluggish, and you’ll be looking for something to help move you along, which can start a cycle of unhealthy eating. Keep your eyes on the prize and find ways to curb your cravings with healthy alternatives.
You need to lose substantial weight to notice health changes. Good news on this one! If you’re reasoning for wanting to be healthier has to do with medical issues like high blood pressure, making changes to your diet and starting an exercise routine are the best way to avoid being put on medication or being taken off medication. Studies show you only need to lose 10% of your weight in order to see changes in blood pressure and blood sugar, plus you’ll be lowering your risk for heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.
These are just a few of the many myths out there that can set back your progress. If you hear or read something that isn’t given to you by professionals, feel free to ask me about it to ensure you know exactly what to do to keep moving towards your goal.
Next Sunday, we’ll talk about some of the different options for using a trainer.
My weekly GYSTS email give you one actionable thing to do for the week that will make you life a little easier. As "they" say, "Fail to plan; plan to fail." Get these emails (and more!) delivered right to your inbox by clicking HERE.