December 8, 2019: Miracle of Water
My weekly Get Your Stuff Together Sunday email series gives you one actionable focus for the week that will make your life a little easier.
{Did you miss last week’s GYSTS email? No prob! Go here and scroll to the bottom for a complete archive of all GYSTS emails}
A healthy lifestyle starts with a proper nutrition and regular exercise, but there is one important part that is often overlooked: getting adequate hydration. This week, we’re going to talk about how important it is to drink enough water.
Our bodies are made up primarily of water – about 70%, in fact, so it would make sense that we need to continue to replenish our reserves throughout the day, especially after working out. Unfortunately, Americans, as a whole, are not drinking nearly enough water and are essentially in a constant state of dehydration which can lead to a whole slew of issues you don’t want to deal with. When we don’t drink enough water, we may have trouble concentrating, our blood volume decreases and our heart rate increases, our kidneys have trouble functioning properly, the probability of indigestion is much higher, and you can get pretty severe headaches. It’s not just about being thirsty!
Benefits of Drinking Water
On the flip side, here are some positive results of increasing your water intake:
Drinking two glasses of water at the beginning of the day helps get your metabolism going and rehydrates you from the night before
Drinking a glass of water with every meal aids in digestion and will help fill you up
Drinking a glass of water at night aids in kidney function
Prevents cramping and sprains
Improves skin health
How much water do I need for these benefits?
The rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. If you keep a water bottle with you at all times, it will help you remember to drink. For those of you who have trouble getting enough water because it just doesn’t appeal to you, try infusing your water with mint, cucumbers, lemon, lime, or strawberries. Even a hint of flavor can entice your taste buds enough to create an actual craving.
Next Sunday, we’ll talk about what fitness trackers can do for you and if they really work to get you to your health goals.
Want some expert help with reaching your health goals painlessly? Check out my programs! We’ll get everything taken care of in a way that fits into your current lifestyle so you never have to think about your health again.
Do you have a friend who could stand to G(her)ST? Feel free to forward this!
I hope you have a wonderful week,
Kelly Morgan, Ph.D.
Tsirona -
My weekly GYSTS email give you one actionable thing to do for the week that will make you life a little easier. As "they" say, "Fail to plan; plan to fail." Get these emails (and more!) delivered right to your inbox by clicking HERE.