February 27, 2022: Nutrition Tips
My weekly Get Your Stuff Together Sunday email series gives you one actionable focus for the week that will make your life a little easier.
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If you want to get closer to your goals, you need to understand that your nutrition habits are the key to success. It’s true no matter if you want to have more energy, lose weight, put on muscle, get faster on your mile, or just plain feel better. This week, we’re going to talk about my best and most effective nutrition tips when starting out.
Good nutrition is the key to get you closer to where you want to be with your health, no matter what your health goals may be. But where do you start?
Here are some of my best and most effective tips when starting out on an effort to get your nutrition in order to serve you best:
1. Establish a Good Eating Pattern
One of the biggest obstacles is establishing a healthy eating pattern. This may mean eating a couple extra meals, or including a snack or two.
You should start by eating at least three balanced meals each day. Now, this may seem like common sense, but you would be surprised by how many people only eat once a day and wonder why they are so darn hungry then.
This will balance your blood sugar levels, and keep your metabolism and mood on the level all day.
2. Try Not to Skip Meals
Skipping meals is not in your best interest. Not only does it slow your metabolism, it may make you hungrier later on. This may lead to binge eating, which leads to too many calories consumed, and often, a whole shame spiral that leaves you feeling awful.
3. Drink More Water
Did you know those hunger feelings you may be experiencing are actually dehydration in disguise? Before you eat something, try drinking a tall glass of water. If you’re still hungry in 10 minutes, go eat.
Water not only hydrates your body, and makes things work more efficiently.
4. Choose Whole Foods When You Can
The right foods will go a long way to helping you reach your goals. Avoiding foods that are heavily processed and refined will help you get closer to any goal you have, as those tend to be void of nutrition which will cause blood sugar drops and the need to eat more again to get your energy back up.
When you can, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean (wild-caught or free range) protein sources, whole grains, slow carbs, and plenty of fiber-rich foods.
Nutrition is a crucial aspect to a well-rounded plan for your total health. Without the proper diet, you may not see the results you’re after, or it may take a lot longer to accomplish those goals.
Choosing the right approach for you could mean the difference between success and failure. And you have the right to choose success every time.
Next Sunday, we’ll talk about the most common workout mistakes - and how to avoid them.
Want some expert help with reaching your health goals painlessly? Check out my programs! We’ll get everything taken care of in a way that fits into your current lifestyle so you never have to think about your health again.
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I hope you have a wonderful week,
Kelly Morgan, Ph.D.
Tsirona - www.tsirona.com
My weekly GYSTS email give you one actionable thing to do for the week that will make you life a little easier. As "they" say, "Fail to plan; plan to fail." Get these emails (and more!) delivered right to your inbox by clicking HERE.