August 27, 2023: Down, but Never Out

My weekly Get Your Stuff Together Sunday email series gives you one actionable focus for the week that will make your life a little easier.

{Did you miss last week’s GYSTS email? No prob! Go here and scroll to the bottom for a complete archive of all GYSTS emails}

We all have different health goals, and regardless of your path, I encourage you to understand that setbacks and failures are different. This week, we’re going to talk about the difference between a setback and a failure, and how to not allow setbacks to completely derail your progress.

Setback vs. Failure

If you slip up, lose focus, eat off plan, give in to a craving, binge watch an entire season of your favorite show on Netflix instead of getting in any exercise...that's a setback. Setbacks happen to everyone - even the pros like me. Your choices may not have been in support of your long-term goals, but this does NOT mean that you failed and gave up. Recognize it for what it is (a temporary speed bump on the road to progress), learn from it, and get back on track.

Failure is a decision you make in response to a setback, where instead of learning and getting back up again, you decide to give up simply because of the setbacks. It’s a resistance to continuing when challenges arise, which they tend to do.

A Pep Talk

You choose health *to a certain extent.* There are things we can’t help, of course - physical limitations, genetics, financial circumstances, etc. There are still parts of your health that you choose and control. You set long term goals because you want health, vitality, and the confidence that comes with taking care of yourself.

Every day, you can choose to put in the effort to feel your best. You can choose to follow the path that leads you to your goals. Or, you can choose to eat the last of the cookies in the jar. The choice is up to you. Every single choice you make has a consequence; sometimes it’s positive and sometimes it’s negative. But, no one is perfect. Get back up and try again. As Anne Shirley said in Anne of Green Gables, “Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”

Next Sunday, we’ll talk about the importance of sleep when it comes to living your best, healthiest life.

Want some expert help with reaching your health goals painlessly? Check out my programs! I also have some really awesome monthly subscriptions. We’ll get everything taken care of in a way that fits into your current lifestyle so you never have to think about your health again.

Do you have a friend who could stand to G(her)ST? Feel free to forward this!

I hope you have a wonderful week,


Kelly Morgan, Ph.D.

Tsirona -

My weekly GYSTS email give you one actionable thing to do for the week that will make you life a little easier. As "they" say, "Fail to plan; plan to fail." Get these emails (and more!) delivered right to your inbox by clicking HERE.