September 11, 2022: Keto Diet
My weekly Get Your Stuff Together Sunday email series gives you one actionable focus for the week that will make your life a little easier.
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One of the most popular eating plans is the keto diet. Like its predecessors, the South Beach Diet and the Atkins Diet, keto has a cult following. This week, we’re going to talk about what you need to know about the keto diet (but don’t).
Here’s something you may not know about the Keto Diet: It’s been around for a long time. Way back in 1920, this type of diet was often prescribed to epileptics as a way to stop seizures from occurring.
So what is the keto diet?
The keto diet is an eating pattern that’s high in fat, moderate in protein, and low in carbohydrates. This plan is used to reduce your reliance on carbohydrates as your main fuel source, and shift your body into producing—and using—ketones as a source of fuel.
However, staying in this state for long periods of time may not be the best idea.
You see, your body prefers glucose—or sugar—as its main fuel source. Your brain, central nervous system, and your blood cells love to devour glucose. But when your body runs out of glucose, it is forced to use ketones, which can fuel most of the cells in your body.
Although the keto diet will initially help you lose weight, the problem lies in cutting out a complete food group, such as carbohydrates.
Not only does this leave you not getting the main fuel source your body needs and craves, you’re also going to be missing out on essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy.
Once you resume eating carbs again (if you ever do), there’s a good chance the weight will come back—and quickly—since you’re replenishing your glycogen stores, which also pulls in water.
The keto diet may also create a poor relationship with food, and this might lead to anxiety around food, preoccupation with foods, and the possible development of an eating disorder.
The keto diet is one of the most popular diets around. However, is it the best?
Most people who follow the keto diet may lose weight rapidly, especially water weight, which could help them reach their initial goals. However, once they go off the Keto plan, and resume their regularly scheduled eating plan, they could gain all the weight back…and more.
Instead of choosing a diet for rapid results, the best thing you can do is make healthy changes to your nutrition plan. Substitute potatoes and pasta for a salad or a vegetable.
Making small substitutions could go a long way to changing your body and improving your health. And, more importantly, it could help you lose weight, get stronger, or reach your goals faster, and in a healthier way.
Next Sunday, we’ll talk about how to kickstart weight loss.
Want some expert help with reaching your health goals painlessly? Check out my programs! I also have some really awesome monthly subscriptions. We’ll get everything taken care of in a way that fits into your current lifestyle so you never have to think about your health again.
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I hope you have a wonderful week,
Kelly Morgan, Ph.D.
Tsirona -
My weekly GYSTS email give you one actionable thing to do for the week that will make you life a little easier. As "they" say, "Fail to plan; plan to fail." Get these emails (and more!) delivered right to your inbox by clicking HERE.