September 16, 2018: Glute Strength
My weekly Get Your Stuff Together Sunday email series gives you one actionable focus for the week that will make your life a little easier.
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The biggest and strongest muscle in the body is the gluteus maximus, aka, your butt. The stronger and more powerful the gluteal muscles are, the more powerful the movement you’re doing in your workouts will be. This week, we’re talking about glute strength, the key to better workouts, muscle balance, and, of course, getting a strong, perky butt.
The anatomy in a nutshell
The gluteal muscles are a group of three muscles that make up the buttocks: the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus. The gluteal muscles are responsible for leg movement, meaning that they help you stand up, push through the ground (as in a jump or sprint), rotate at the hip, and stabilize the lower body. If you look at athletes in almost any sport, you will see well developed and powerful gluteal muscles.
But I’m not an athlete!
Gluteal strength is not only about the ability to push through the ground in order to create maximum power. Gluteal strength is also vital in creating stability in movement and in stillness that reduces the risk of injury and prevents pain. Developing your glutes and lower body stabilizers can also help reduce the risk of injury to the hips and knees - which can happen to anyone.
Weak glutes cause trouble
Weak gluteal muscles can contribute to Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, back pain, and iliotibial band syndrome. When the gluteal muscles are under active, the psoas major, a hip flexor, takes over and can create pain in the lower back. In order to reduce back pain in many people, it is necessary to get the hip flexors to relax while developing and engaging the gluteal muscles.
I’m in - what should I do?
You can do all of these exercises at home, the gym, or even in a hotel room or office!
Prisoner squats - Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and lace your fingers behind your head. Put your weight into your heels and drop your bottom like you’re sitting down. Only go down as far as you can without dropping your chest or your elbows starting to come together in front of your face.
Plie squats - Stand with your feet in a wide stance with your toes pointed out at a 45 degree angle and arms out in a T. Put your weight into your heels and drop your bottom into the space between your knees. Only go down as far as you can without dropping your chest.
Front lunge - Start standing with your feet together. Step your right foot forward and bend your back leg with the knee to the floor. Ensure that your front leg is making a 90 degree angle, that your knee is directly over your toes, and that your chest is raised. Come back to standing. Repeat on the left side.
Back lunge - Start standing with your feet together. Step your right foot back and bend your back leg with the knee to the floor. Ensure that your front leg is making a 90 degree angle, that your knee is directly over your toes, and that your chest is raised. Come back to standing. Repeat on the left side.
Bridge - Lay on the floor with your knees bent and up to the ceiling. Place your feet at hips’ width. Pressing through your heels and keeping your shoulders and head on the ground, lift your pelvis and hold for a count of 3.
Looking for more? Here are some sets you can do, and they have photos!
Gluteal muscles in conjunction with the hamstring muscles and the other lower body muscles help to make you more powerful and stable, reduce pain, and prevent injury. Add some of the exercises mentioned above to your workout routine to not only create that cute butt, but also feel good enough to flaunt it.
Next Sunday, we’ll talk about sleep recovery and how getting enough quality sleep can change everything.
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I hope you have a wonderful week,
Kelly Morgan, Ph.D.
Tsirona -
My weekly GYSTS email give you one actionable thing to do for the week that will make you life a little easier. As "they" say, "Fail to plan; plan to fail." Get these emails (and more!) delivered right to your inbox by clicking HERE.