2 Simple Steps to Help You Stay on Top of Your Day, Everyday


Life is tough sometimes - every day is a whirlwind of emotion, choices that need to be made, work that needs to be done, and people in your life who need to be cared for. But, one person who definitely needs taking care of (no matter how busy life gets) is YOU. That's right, you're just that important, and it's time to start taking yourself seriously! That said, taking care of yourself doesn't have to be that complicated at all - in fact, it might just be more straightforward than what you're currently doing to try and keep your head above water.

The truth is, you shouldn't just be treading water; you should be butterfly swimming with one hand while holding a glass of wine with the other hand with a massive smile on your face - it should be that effortless! So, I want to give you some tried and tested ways of taking better care of yourself that will make an instant difference in your mood, as well as the way you approach life each and every day.


You might've heard this a thousand times before, so why aren't you doing it already? Getting at least 8 hours of those precious zzzzs each night is crucial to your physical and mental health. To start with, not getting enough sleep can cause weight gain, seeing as you're spending more time awake than you should, therefore eating more food at times where you should actually be sleeping. Those midnight snacks you're having? That should actually be blissful midnight slumber!

Apart from the weight gain, sleeping and dreaming is your mind's way of processing the events from the day, working through every detail and emotion in order for you to be able to cope with it better mentally. Pretty impressive, right? So, next time you're thinking about binge-watching another three one-hour episodes of your favorite series, turn the electronics off and allow your poor brain to deal with everything it's been dealt over the past 24 hours.

Listen to your feelings

A few decades ago, psychologists were called Alienists because they dealt with people who were "alienated" from their true selves. Luckily, you now live in the 21st century and can speak freely about the feelings you're having without basically being called an alien! That said, if you've been feeling off for a while now and can't really get to the bottom of it, there are telltale signs you can look out for when it comes to your mental health (which is also really important). There are also platforms you can use to understand what are mood disorders as well as the different types and symptoms. We live in a day and age where there are so many resources at our disposal. We might as well make use of them!

It may sound too easy, but adhering to the two really simple steps will automatically allow you to be more present, more aware of yourself, and more energetic. You deserve to be able to live each day to its fullest potential. Time to start putting yourself first for a change!