Getting into the Fall Spirit

Getting into the Fall Spirit

We are fully into fall, and along with the changes in temperature and the changing of the leaves, you might be feeling some changes yourself. Many people experience mood shifts when a new season arrives. Some may even feel more lethargic and need to pause and recharge. That’s why it’s more important than ever to take care of yourself this month. But for most of us, it’s tempting to overindulge – snacking on leftover Halloween candy; cooking your favorite Thanksgiving dishes; baking special treats for visits with family and friends. And yet, this is exactly the time of year when you want to look and feel your best – not tired, moody, or bloated.

I’d like to encourage you to take some time to simply “be” before all the seasonal activity begins. Consider setting aside time each week to take care of you; to keep (or restart) your exercise commitments; to meditate, stretch or read – whatever relaxes and recharges you. And when it is time to cook, consider using some of the delicious seasonally-appropriate gourds like acorn squash, butternut squash, and pumpkin. This month, I'll have recipes for you that take pumpkin in a new direction, though pie is always a good one!

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for all the good things in our lives. Family, friends, work, safety, health. If that last one needs some attention, I would like to help you with your health and wellness goals. Studies show that people are twice as likely to reach their goals when they work one-on-one with their own personal health coach.