Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving

For many people, the Thanksgiving meal is a yearly favorite. So how can you enjoy without overindulging? Try these time-tested tips:

Eat a balanced breakfast – don’t “starve” yourself until the big meal. Start your day with a healthy, satisfying breakfast. There is not one right meal choice for everyone, but you should have a balance of protein and healthy fat. If you need help figuring out what breakfast is best for you – let’s talk.

Plan your day. If your Thanksgiving meal is in the early afternoon, eat a small midday snack that includes protein, fiber, and healthy fat. This will help you feel satisfied and avoid overeating at the Thanksgiving table.

Skip any foods that you don’t absolutely love. You can still taste your favorite foods without overindulging and feeling bad afterward. Put just a small spoonful of the dishes you love on your plate, and fill in with healthy veggies.

Don’t drink your calories. Find a festive way to sip, such as sparkling water with cranberries or unsweetened herbal iced tea.

Get back on track. If you do eat a little more at Thanksgiving than you wanted to, don’t continue to indulge all weekend. Take an evening stroll, pick up your regular exercise routine or classes, and be sure to drink plenty of water: half your weight in ounces of water each day. The faster you get back on track, the less chance you’ll have of gaining weight or suffering from food-related symptoms.