Take Time to Smell the Flowers

Spring is in full-swing! While I love this season, it often feels like there is more on my plate than at any other time of year. Why do I get the feeling that I say that about every season? So, what’s on your plate? Mother’s Day? Graduations? Dance recitals? Weddings? Vacation planning? Moving college-aged kids home for the summer? Whew! Let’s do this one thing together right now: close your eyes, take a deep breath to the count of 5, and release it to the count of 5. Inhale deeply…exhale completely...repeat.

Feel a little better? Just the simple act of pausing and deep breathing triggers the release of endorphins and slows our heartbeat. As you move through these activity-filled days, try this breathing exercise whenever you feel overwhelmed.

Whatever you’re doing this month, remember to: Pause...inhale…exhale…repeat.