Going Green
As summer winds down and the seasons shift, you may be feeling a sense of change in yourself, too. September is a great time to start some new healthy habits, or recommit to a healthy lifestyle that may have taken a bit of a vacation over the summer! One of the best healthy habits you can incorporate into your daily life is to eat leafy greens. It’s hard not to notice how mainstream “green drinks” are at your local health food store, and healthy boutique restaurants and juice bars are popping up all over the country!
Today it’s easier than ever to eat, drink and slurp your greens! Eat them raw, steamed or sautéed; mix them into a pureed soup; or drink them in a variety of smoothies and juices. We all know greens are good for us, but do you know why?
This month on the blog, I'll have more about "going green," including recipes to get you started or refresh your salad days!