4 Essentials for the First-Time Hiker

If you're an avid hiker, you know that there are many things to consider when packing for your next trip. First, you need to make sure that you have the right equipment and clothes for the environment in which you'll be hiking. If this is your first time going hiking, it can be hard to figure out what exactly should go in your bag. That said, here are four essential items that will help keep you safe and comfortable during your hike!


The first thing you should pack is a flashlight. While it may sound silly, there are many reasons why taking a flashlight on your hike will be helpful in an emergency situation. Firstly, if the weather conditions change while you're hiking and night falls early, you'll need a way to see where you're going! Furthermore, professional tactical flashlights can help when trying to find something that has fallen into tall grass or bushes off of the trail while out on your trip. And finally, some trails get very dark at night because they go through shaded areas or forests with thick foliage; having light will ensure that nothing scares/puzzles/scares away wildlife (e.g., snakes).

Trekking poles

If you're going out on a longer hike, then it might be worth taking trekking poles with you. This will help to take pressure off of your legs and knees while walking for long distances. Additionally, their stability can ensure that you don't lose footing very easily when hiking up steep hills or crossing over large stones and other obstacles in our path!

You'll also want to think about bringing sunscreen/lip balm and bug spray with you if there's any chance that you may get sunburned or eaten alive by bugs during your time outside. It's always important to protect yourself from these kinds of dangers when spending time outdoors; even small amounts of poor weather conditions (.e., clouds blocking the sun) can threaten your skin and health.


It's also a good idea to bring along a map of the area in which you plan on hiking. This way, if something goes wrong and your phone runs out of battery or dies completely while you're out on your hike, you'll be able to orient yourself with it! In addition, it will make sure that nothing ever gets too uncomfortable for us during our trip. Lastly, don't forget about packing food/snacks if you get hungry before making it back home from your journey into nature! 

First aid kit

A final essential thing to remember to pack is a first aid kit. As long as you have these items on hand, then it won't matter if something happens out on the trail that causes injury or discomfort. Even if it's just a tiny cut or scrape, this can be dangerous and messy enough to make us more susceptible to getting sick once we get home from our hike! Having certain bandages and disinfectants with us will ensure that nothing terrible ever occurs during our time outside of civilization.