4 Ways to Act Fast When Illness Strikes

I know you will do everything you can to keep your family healthy, but you can’t confine them to bubbles in their bedroom. You must let them go out, do things, and meet people. Unfortunately, this comes with the risk that someone is going to get sick, whether from playing with friends or catching a bug going around the office. When this happens, the last thing you want is for illness to spread, so act fast when illness strikes. 

Know What Symptoms to Look For 

It’s generally easy to spot when someone is sick. They are sluggish and sneezy and may throw up or spend longer than usual in the bathroom. But, some symptoms are not as clear, which is why it’s so important to know what to look for. 

These symptoms depend on the illness. You know what the flu or COVID looks like, but what about Camp Lejeune water symptoms and other less common sicknesses? If you’re ever unsure about whether someone is sick, it’s best to err on the side of caution so that it doesn’t spread rapidly through the home. 

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

It’s difficult to even put a glass of water to your lips and chug when you’re sick. But, the risk of dehydration is much more serious than you might expect, which is why hydration is crucial when illness strikes. 

Plenty of water helps to encourage blood flow, which makes it easier for the body to fight off illness and gets the patient back to their healthy best faster. The quicker you act (and the sooner you push water on them) the more you minimize the risk of the illness spreading. 

Sanitize the Area

You're probably sick of sanitizing, but if the pandemic taught you anything, it’s how to clean everywhere and clean everywhere sufficiently. If you want to avoid illness (and of course you do), you must sanitize whatever your family member touches. 

It is also worth quarantining them, so set up something comfortable in the spare room. You don’t need to abandon contact altogether, but keeping them out of the way - especially out of the kitchen - can save you and everyone else plenty of worry over who will catch the bug next. 

Get Plenty of Rest 

Some people struggle to accept when they’re ill. They think they can still do everything they do normally, but this puts them at severe risk of worsening their illness. The best thing to do is to force them to get plenty of rest. Encourage them to sleep, or if they don’t want to sleep, they should spend the day on the sofa or in bed. The more rest they get, the more strength their body will have to fight off illness and help them get back to their healthy best. 

Acting Fast 

You shouldn't accept defeat when illness strikes your family, as you don’t want the flu or a bug to knock you off your feet and cause you to miss work while your kids could stay off school or miss other important events. So, keeping the house healthy even if someone is sick will help everyone else stay on their feet.