4 Ways To Straighten Your Teeth

Teeth straightening can have many benefits. Not only can straight teeth make us more proud of our smile, but they make it easier to brush our teeth and chew food, improving our overall health. 

There are a few things that can put people off from looking into teeth straightening such as the cost, the appearance and the discomfort. However, what a lot of people don’t realize is that there are now multiple ways to straighten your teeth. Some are cheaper, some are less visible and some are more comfortable to wear. This post compares the four main types so that you can choose the right one.

Clear dental aligners

Clear dental aligners such as Invisalign have become very popular. They are a bit like wearing a clear molded mouthguard which gradually pushes your teeth into place. People may not realize that you’re wearing them, plus they’re very comfortable compared to other braces. You can also take them out to eat and brush your teeth, which can make both tasks easier.

Unfortunately, clear dental aligners are not suitable for all forms of teeth straightening. They are better suited to mild teeth straightening and may not be recommended for those that have very wonky or overcrowded teeth. The ability to take them out, while convenient, can also encourage some people to not wear them as often as they should.

Lingual braces

Lingual braces are made of metal, but unlike regular metal braces they sit behind the teeth. This makes them invisible from the front. Those who worry about the appearance of braces may be best off opting for this form of teeth straightening. 

Unfortunately, lingual braces are the most expensive form of teeth straightening available. Keeping on top of cleaning can also be harder, plus they can be slightly more uncomfortable than regular metal braces because the tongue is constantly brushing against them. 

Ceramic braces

These braces function much like traditional metal braces but are made of ceramic. While still visible, this makes them more subtle in appearance than metal braces. They are more comfortable than lingual braces as the ceramic sits at the front.

A downside to ceramic braces is that they are prone to staining and discoloration - so you may want to avoid certain foods and drinks (such as coffee or red wine). They are also more prone to fracturing than metal braces.

Metal braces

Metal braces are the most traditional option. They are generally more cost-efficient than other solutions, and they are the most robust form of braces. They sit around the front of the teeth, which makes them more comfortable than lingual braces.

Of course, being entirely made of metal, they’re still not entirely comfortable. People also find them to be the least visually pleasing form of braces (even if they still remain one of the most popular forms of braces). If you don’t want it to be obvious that you’re wearing braces, you may want to look into one of the other options instead.