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5 Likely Causes of Body Aches and How to Tackle Them

Ouch, ugh, oof… You know that feeling where you just can’t seem to get rid of the mysterious aches? Body aches can result from all kinds of mild and severe issues. While they may seem harmless, unmanaged body aches could have consequences on your health. Let’s go over some of the possible causes of body aches and treat them.

Lack of sleep

Lack of ample sleep and rest results in fatigue, which impacts overall health negatively. Your brain, body, and muscle tissues need adequate rejuvenation to maintain an active system that works efficiently. So, prolonged sleep deprivation creates a deficit in vital energy, which affects your body's physiology and often causes aches and pains. Establishing a healthy and consistent sleep schedule can help alleviate body pains caused by sleep deprivation. Your body needs 6-8 hours of sleep every night to operate efficiently. If you need to, find some sleep techniques that will help you relax if you have difficulty finding sound sleep, like meditation, bedtime yoga, and listening to soft music. Also, therapy and the amazing CBD oil can help people with various sleep disorders.

Chronic stress

Your body responds to psychological stresses by creating chemical imbalances, which can generate tension in the muscles tissues and result in headaches, joint pains, and overall body pains. When you experience cognitive stresses, your body releases cortisol, the fundamental stress hormone. Elevated cortisol levels can inhibit your body's most essential functions, like the immune system and result in muscle weakness. It can be relieving to spend time unwinding from your day-to-day pressures and mental stresses. Consider hiking, meditation, yoga, or indulging in other soothing recreations to help alleviate some of your mental and physical stress. Be sure to relax often, as this is integral to combating chronic stress and sustaining steadier cortisol levels.

Poor mental health

Untreated mental health illnesses can influence eating habits and lower appetite. Undiagnosed mental conditions, including depression and anxiety, are generically stress-induced and can leave sufferers feeling awful. Like chronic stress, these mental illnesses generate symptoms that can cause disruptions in the body’s vitality. Unhealthy mental well-being manifests physical effects, including body aches, neck pains, and other inactivity-induced body pains.

Muscle soreness

Another common cause of chronic body aches is muscle soreness from overworking the muscles’ tissues during exercises. Muscle soreness is the result of microtears and inflammation in muscle tissues when exercising. That’s not a bad thing! It’s how your muscles grow and become stronger. However, this can intensify to delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), which you can suffer even days after an overwhelming workout. This type of soreness can be considered good pain when your session is after a long hiatus or unfamiliar workout routine. 

But, when this develops into severe, sharp, and persistent pain, you are experiencing considerable muscle strain from too much stress on that particular muscle group. You can avoid this by practicing safe, healthy workout behaviors like stretching out and warming up before a workout. Also, it is crucial to give your body enough rest while training to maximize muscle recovery.


Dehydration affects your body's ability to function, aggravates muscle pain, and hinders healing. Proper hydration provides lubrication to tissues and cartilages to help reduce joint and body aches. It can be managed by making sure your body gets enough water. You’ll want to set goals for keeping yourself hydrated. For example, you can start your day with a glass of water and end it with another.

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