Lifestyle Changes That'll Boost Your Bone Health
There are many different factors that have to be taken into account when it comes to the protection of your health and wellbeing. But some things often get overlooked, like bone health. But, when it comes to your mobility and long-term health, your bones matter a lot. Here are some of the lifestyle changes you can make to boost the health of your bones.
Get Enough Vitamin D
Vitamin D is good for your body in lots of ways, and it’s also very important for the continued health of your bones. As we’ll discuss next, bones need calcium. And it’s vitamin D that makes it possible for your bones to absorb that calcium. So, having one without the other doesn’t make much sense. Try to get more vitamin D, either via supplements or food, into your diet.
Get Plenty of Calcium Into Your Diet
The one thing that most people know already about bone health is that it requires plenty of calcium. 1000 milligrams of calcium per day is the recommended amount.
Be Active Each Day
Activity matters, as well. If you want to keep your bones and your body in good health, you need to be moving. Try to make activity a part of your daily routine. You don’t necessarily need to be pushing yourself to the limit in the gym every day of the week, but you certainly should be trying to get some kind of activity into each and every day if you want to keep your bones strong.
Increase the Protein in Your Diet
Long-term studies have found that eating protein, especially animal proteins, helps the health of your bones over time. If you’re not currently getting much protein in your diet, that’s something that you should look to change. Vegetarians can get their protein from nuts and grains, or they can easily buy protein online and consume it in shakes.
Avoid Smoking and Reduce Alcohol Consumption
Finally, you should try to avoid or minimize the substances that we know are bad for your bone health. If you’re a smoker, this is a good time and a good reason to quit. Alcohol consumption is not great for the health of your bones either, so it might be a good idea to try and minimize it if you possibly can.
There are lots of ways to improve the health of your bones. Don’t allow this to be something you overlook for a second longer. By making just a few lifestyle changes such as the ones we’ve discussed above, you’ll quickly start to improve the health of your bones now and moving forward.