8 Tips to Combat Dry Skin

Did you know that your skin is your largest organ? It’s condition can reflect your overall health, but you need to care for it as well.

Only someone who has experienced dry skin can understand how hard it is to cope with it. That skin is irritable, itchy, flaky, and looks caky and rough. Here are some best practices for maintaining tip-top skin condition.

Limit Hot Water Showers

Hot water showers are like enemies for dry skin because hot water removes the natural oil the body needs to stay hydrated. Bathe with lukewarm water and limit your bathing time to 15-20 minutes. The longer you are under the shower, the more likely you are to dry out natural oils.

You Should Wash Your Face Every Day

You must wash your face every day if you have dry skin. Not everyone can afford procedures such as atopic dermatitis treatment to help with bad skin. Your skin will look healthy and moisturized if you wash it gently twice a day. Consider using a non-foaming and alcohol-free cleanser as part of your skincare routine. Wash your face after sweating and purchase stearic acid or linoleic acid products. Shea butter and argan oil contain stearic acid and linoleic acid. 

Scrubbing May Irritate the Skin

As I said above, wash gently! Though you might be tempted to exfoliate, that can backfire. Scrubbing hurts dry skin because deep cleaning takes away the natural moisture and makes skin irritated. Dry skin can be made worse or even damaged by using peels, chemical exfoliates, or harsh scrubs.  

Sun-Protection is a Must

Dry skin needs SPF more than any other type, but it is a must-have for all types. Dry skin without a barrier of SPF can be damaged by sun rays, high temperatures, and heat. Protect your skin from premature aging by wearing sunscreen and covering it up.


moisturizer is a necessity. Use a thick moisturizer with a lot of nourishing ingredients morning and at night. A moisturizer works best when applied to slightly damp skin and should be applied immediately washing. Don't forget to moisturize your hands, feet, and entire body, too!

Use Lip Balm

Lips, like any other part of the body, require hydration. Keep your lips hydrated with an excellent lip balm to avoid dry and cracked lips. Plain ol’ Vaseline (like in the tub) is my favorite.

Use Oils

Try utilizing face oils if you want to see a miracle . There are a variety of face oils available, each with its unique purpose. Choose a favorite oil and gently massage it into your skin before applying a moisturizer at night.

Final Words

The cause of dry skin is inside. Removing hazardous chemicals from your facial skincare routine will help, but the greatest way to revive dry skin is to start eating healthier and exercising more. When you start a 360-degree skincare program, your natural radiance, hydration, and fresh feeling skin will return.