Food that Makes Health Problems Practically Disappear

Imagine if you were able to take a pill and make your health problems disappear. It sounds like science fiction, right? Well, it turns out that we already have the magic pill. It’s called whole plant food. If you eat a diet of just whole plants, many of the health issues you’ve accepted as “normal” will simply disappear. 


Gout is a condition that usually appears in the big toe caused by excessive uric acid buildup in the body. It is extremely painful and, sometimes, can make it hard to walk. 

In this past, gout was something that rich kings got because of their diet of meat and sugar. However, given that most people eat that way these days, it is becoming more common. 

The trick to dealing with gout is to reduce uric acid levels in the body. And the best way to do that is to avoid meat and center your diet around fiber-rich foods. 


Diabetes was virtually unheard of two hundred years ago. Occasionally people would pee sugar in their urine, but it was incredibly rare. 

Now, though, thanks to diet and lifestyle-related factors, it is becoming common. Estimates suggest that around 10 percent of people will have the condition by 2030 if something isn’t done soon about it. 

Again, the problem is a diet of meat and sugar. The combination of the two raises insulin resistance more than either alone, leading to metabolic issues that affect the entire body. 

Again, if you eat the right foods, you can avoid this. Small quantities of animal products combined with plant foods that are unprocessed can protect most people against the condition. 

Gum Disease

Gum disease is a major reason people use dental services. Receding gums, infection, pain and swelling are all nasty consequences of the condition. 

Gum disease, though, is almost entirely preventable, again if you eat the right foods. Whole plant foods naturally capture the sugars that they contain inside their cell walls. This makes it much harder for them to stick to the teeth and provide food for bacteria. 

To avoid gum disease, cut sugars, refined flours and processed junk food out of your diet. Brush twice daily and you should be able to go years without any issues. 

High Blood Pressure

Doctors once believed that high blood pressure was an intractable condition with no cure. Once you had it, the only thing that you could do was to take blood pressure lowering drugs. 

However, they’ve since discovered that that’s not the case. If people eat a large volume of greens and avoid junk food, they can lower their blood pressure naturally and, often, rapidly. 

Heart Disease

Lastly, heart disease is a condition that plant-based diets help people avoid. Research shows that heart disease is virtually absent in populations not eating Western diets. What’s more, you can actually reverse the disease if you make people eat vegan and get them to meditate for an hour a day. The results are so spectacular that many doctors now recommend lifestyle interventions to their patients instead of drugs.