Get Healthier with these Diet Changes


When it comes to your health, small changes can really add up make a big difference. If you think about a healthy diet, you might assume that you need to eat with strict rules and cut out food groups. In reality, you’re better off making small changes that you can maintain, rather than a drastic overhaul.

Keep the changes practical and sustainable so you can make them part of your everyday life, such as adding a supplement to get the benefit of niacin, vitamin D, or other important vitamins it’s easy to miss in your diet.

Eat Breakfast Every Day

It’s easier to keep your energy levels up throughout the day if you eat breakfast. If you don’t eat breakfast, now is the time to start. A healthy breakfast could be a whole-wheat English muffin with peanut butter and sliced banana. This provides you with fiber and protein. You can eat this on the go and prepare it fast, so there’s no excuse if you’re stretched for time. Yogurt with fruit and granola, oatmeal, and eggs on whole-grain bread are all good breakfast options too. 

Put Out a Fruit Bowl

Try to eat more fruits and vegetables. Both pack a lot of nutrients, but not many calories. Don’t buy fruit, shove it to the back of your fridge, and forget about it. 

Instead, put your fruit and vegetables where you can see them as soon as you open the fridge and out in your kitchen. Keep fruit that doesn’t need refrigerating on the counter in a fruit bowl, where they’re easy to see and pick up. You’ll be more likely to choose these when you fancy a snack if they’re in your eye line and easy to grab. Wash and slice veggies like celery and peppers, and pack them into individual baggies, so they’re ready for a quick, healthy treat. Smoothies are a good way to eat more fruit too.

Don’t Cut Out Treats

Cutting out all your favorite treat foods can make it less likely you’ll keep to your healthy-eating goals. A diet that has been drastically limited is not sustainable for most people and can make you feel deprived. A small treat won’t wreck all your progress. Keep the treats small. Aim for something small, like a couple of squares of dark chocolate, a half cup of ice cream, or a small glass of wine, and take your time over it to really enjoy it. 

Use Smaller Plates

If you’re worried about your portion sizes, try using a smaller plate. Most of us will eat less if we use smaller plates. The idea behind this is that the eye is fooled into thinking that we are eating more food because we can that our plate is full, making the food portion seem bigger. The result of this is that you feel more satisfied with less food. Try serving your meals on a salad plate instead of a large dinner plate, and see if you feel full with a smaller portion.