How to Maintain a Healthy Body and Mindset


Can you remember the last time you felt genuinely healthy, inside and out? If it was recently, then you’re one of the lucky ones, and if not, you’re not alone! Some people haven’t felt in optimal shape for years on end, because of an almost impossibly busy life. But, you can keep in mind a few things that will make a significant difference in how you feel and not take much time out of your day.


Water serves much more purposes for your body than just keeping you hydrated. In fact, by drinking water, you flush all the harmful toxins that can make you feel bloated, keeping your kidneys nice and clean in the process. Water is also a natural appetite suppressant. Without enough water, the dehydration taking place inside your body can affect your concentration, make you feel more fatigued, and dull some of your senses. Keeping your water bottle filled throughout the day will allow you to get those fluids in without taking you away from your work or errands. 

What You Put In

What you put into your body largely determines how you feel. Bloating, indigestion, and weight gain are primarily a result of the food you consumed, meaning you can change it fast and efficiently by just cutting the foods out that aren’t compatible with your body. Some people can’t eat carbs such as bread and pasta without feeling bloated or experiencing cramps, while others feel nauseous each time after eating meat - your body is trying to tell you something, you just need to listen to it! This doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself to death; you can even treat yourself to your favorite fluffy vanilla cupcake recipe and enjoy them to the fullest! The point is listening to your body and thinking a bit outside the box when it comes to meals; you can eat foods that are just as delicious, if not more, than the usual takeout, and that’s the truth!

By keeping the above two factors in mind, you’ll already make a massive difference in how you feel and look. If you’re interested starting some easy workouts, even better, but the most critical part of your lifestyle is what you consume, fluid- and food-wise, so be sure to make everything you eat or drink count in your favor!