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How to Stop Lack of Productivity from Plaguing Your health

Time management is a necessary skill that one must acquire. Few of us are ever born that way, and learning to master it will help you stay on top of it all without feeling like you’re being run over and consumed by it.

The thing about lack of productivity is that if left untouched, it can make you feel even more overwhelmed. Instead of doing something about it, you might spend more time panicking when all you’ve really got to do is start planning to stop it from plaguing you.

Here’s how to get back on track:

Make a to-do list

The first step is listing out what needs to be done. You should make 2 drafts. The first should be everything that has to get done. The second draft should be prioritizing all those things. What needs to be done today? What needs to be done this week? Set timelines for completion and you’ll start feeling far more organized and in control.

Set goals

Goal-setting is so important because we need to have something to strive toward. Whether it’s for your career, weight loss, or something else, you should have a plan in mind. Don’t just look at the long-term, but the short-term steps it will take to get there. You’ll find you feel you’re making progress when you set them in motion.

Stop distractions

One of the biggest distractions for everyone no matter what job they have are emails and messages. Knowing how to manage those is key to freeing up your time. Set some time aside each morning and afternoon -- and set a limit for how long you’ll spend responding. Instead of answering messages all morning as they come in, focus on them from 9am to 9:30am for example. Then, get back on track and respond again later. You’ll find things run more efficiently this way.

Be sure to identify other distractions too - no matter how weird they are. A lot of young adults suffer from tinnitus due to listening to music really loudly for hours on end. As such, they’re always distracted by a buzzing or ringing sound. It plagues productivity as you’re constantly trying to figure out where the noise comes from. Searching for hearing doctors near me and booking a hearing consultation can help you get the right treatment to banish this distraction for good. 

Likewise, noise in general is a big distraction for many. Thinking of ways to block out outside noises can make a huge difference. Consider investing in noise-cancelling headphones or soundproofing your workspace.

Quit putting it off

Procrastination is a vicious cycle. We put things off, then we feel we’re lacking in productivity and we wind up putting them off for longer. Instead of letting something overwhelm you at the prospect of doing it, tell yourself you’re going to chip away at it for 10 minutes at a time. Break it down into manageable chunks, and you’ll find that whatever you’re dreading – compiling that big report or even just putting away your laundry – gets done faster.

Take real breaks

It’s never a good idea to work yourself so much that you don’t have a moment to yourself. You can’t be at your best when you’re overdoing it. When it’s time for lunch, take an actual break. Eat in the cafeteria or break room. Go sit outside at a picnic table. Just take that time for yourself and let your mind breathe, instead of spinning its wheels all day long. Throughout the day, take short brisk walks around the building to get your blood flowing. You’ll find it not only stretches your legs but also stretches your mind. By taking on these 5 tips, you’ll begin to feel more productive in all areas of life.

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