Natural Ways to Boost Your Immunity to Dodge the Cold and Flu Season


Besides the flu (and obvious COVID concerns), colds make their rounds during the colder months when these microorganisms flourish, so it’s up to you to be vigilant and protect yourself. Thankfully, there are natural ways you can help boost your immunity and lessen your chances of getting sick this winter.

Use probiotic power

With all we now know about the gut biome, eating food with probiotics is the best way to help keep your immunity strong. Kombucha, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut are just a few probiotic foods to help you out. Make sure you’re always eating plenty of fiber, too, to help that gut bacteria thrive. If you'd prefer a probiotic supplement instead, there are loads of wonderful ones to choose from to make sure you're getting your daily probiotic needs.

Eat right

Unfortunately, this time of year is also when we want to get cozy and eat comfort food. Balance it out by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidant-rich foods are immune boosters that will keep your system fighting all season long. Another warming winter food that will make your soups healthier is bone broth, which you can sneak into your family’s diet without them ever knowing.

Think zinc

The more vitamins you have in your food this season, particularly vitamin C, the more immunity you’ll have. However, zinc is often forgotten for the powerhouse that it is. Zinc can help stop a cold’s cells from replicating and is a powerful tool to have in your wellness arsenal this season and beyond. You can eat more zinc in spinach, nuts, beans, and pumpkin seeds. There are also zinc supplements you can take daily, or when you're feeling a cold coming on.

Balance activity and sleep

When the germs are swirling around, be sure you’re getting enough exercise as well as getting enough sleep. Compromising on either one can jeopardize your immunity. With the days shorter and quite frigid, getting in bed earlier isn't a hard thing to do!


Wash your hands. Duh.

Keep it clean

We know hands should be clean and kept from our eyes, nose, and mouth, but don’t forget about those things you use every day that can be contaminated with ease. Your phone, keyboard, desk, and door handles are prime examples.