Strawberry Protein Chia Pudding

Serves 2

  • ½ cup frozen strawberries

  • scant 1/2 cup milk

  • 1 tbsp. vanilla whey protein powder

  • 1 tbsp. maple syrup

  • scant 1/3 cup chia seeds

Blitz the strawberries, milk, whey and maple syrup in a blender or food processor.

Add the chia seeds and mix well. Leave to thicken in the fridge for 10 mins, mixing 2-3 times, to ensure it thickens evenly. Serve immediately or store in a refrigerator.

Pro tip: if you leave the pudding in the fridge overnight, you might want to add some extra milk to it before serving, as it will become thicker as the chia seeds absorb the liquid