Understanding the Link Between Anxiety and Muscle Tension


We tend to think of anxiety as a purely mental condition, but that is not the reality. In fact, it can affect you physically in a lot of different ways, and if you want to deal with it properly, it is important to understand the relationship between the physical and the mental. 

Muscle tension is a common symptom in people that suffer from anxiety. When you are feeling incredibly anxious, you are more likely to tense your muscles and experience a constant tightness. However, this relationship goes both ways and that muscle tension causes more anxiety. 

Why Is Anxiety Related To Muscle Tension?

When we experience stress and anxiety, our body goes into fight or flight mode. This is a hangover from our days as hunter-gatherers. Our body assumes that we are in a dangerous situation so our heart rate speeds up to deliver more blood and oxygen to the muscles. The muscles tense up, ready for action. 

The problem is, we aren’t in a dangerous situation and that energy isn’t expended. Instead, we begin to experience constant tension in the muscles. 

How Can You Tackle Muscle Tension?

If you want to manage your anxiety effectively, you need to deal with your muscle tension while also treating the psychological symptoms. These are some of the best ways to deal with muscle tension. 

Manage your stress

The muscle tension arises in the first place as a reaction to stress. So, if you want to prevent anxiety issues and reduce muscle tension, you need to find healthy ways to cope with your stress and calm your anxious mind. When you are able to take control of your stress, you don’t continually have that fight or flight response and your muscles will not be as tense. 

Consider CBD products

CBD products have become incredibly popular as a treatment for anxiety in the last few years. Many people use them because they can help to decrease feelings of stress and anxiety. However, a lot of people don’t realize that using CBD tincture oil also relaxes the muscles and relieves tension. This is a great treatment option because you deal with the physical and mental symptoms at the same time. 

Try yoga

Yoga is an excellent way to stretch the muscles out and reduce tension. If you start practicing yoga every day, you will notice that your muscles are a lot looser and you will build a lot of strength too. It also helps with your posture. When you practice yoga, it also has a lot of psychological benefits too. You take time out of your day to focus on your body, which helps you learn to be more present and let anxious thoughts pass. 

The link between muscle tension and anxiety is so important and if you are going to find long-term relief, you need to address both problems at once. These treatment options are all effective ways to reduce your anxiety while also preventing muscle tension. If you only deal with the psychological elements without tackling the physical side of things, your anxiety will continue coming back.