Health Strategies for When You’re On the Road


Holiday travel is right around the corner. You might be wondering how to enjoy yourself AND stick to your health, weight, and wellness goals while on the road.

I’ve got you. I’ve put together a list of my top tips to take with you wherever your travels may take you! Check out my trip-tested strategies and healthy snacks below.

Pack (or buy) “good, better, best” snacks for the unexpected

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. If the trains, planes, or automobiles are delayed…if hotel check-in isn’t for hours…if your family is getting “hangry” on the road or at the parks, it can trigger food temptations. Look for “good, better and best” choices, such as single-serving nut butters, hard-boiled eggs, cut-up vegetables, bananas, raw nuts. These healthier snacks will help get you through the unexpected without derailing your goals. Be sure to pack a shaker bottle to mix on-the-go protein drinks and a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated.

Go to the local market as soon as you arrive at your destination

If your hotel room has a mini-fridge, you’re golden - just ask them to empty it! Stop by a local market and pick up fresh berries, single-serving hummus cups, mini carrots, fresh green juices – you name it! If you have room, pack a foldable cooler and fill it with ice! I’ve even kept snacks stored in an ice bucket at the hotel.

Keep moving! 

Physical activity doesn’t have to go on vacation when you do! Whether you use the hotel gym or join a fitness class, or take it outside for a run, bike, swim or walk, try to be active for 30 to 40 minutes a day. My strategy is to get some form of exercise first thing in the morning before my day fills up with vacation activities!

Water, water, water! 

As soon as you’re through security at the airport, purchase a bottled water or fill up your personal water bottle and sip it throughout your trip. The pressurized air on planes can dehydrate you quickly. If you’re on the road, pack a cooler with plenty of water for everyone you’re traveling with. I also pack sliced lemons, limes and oranges for some variety. A great guideline is to drink half your weight in ounces of water every day (and more if you’re in hot weather or participating in lots of activities outside).

Dining out doesn’t need to derail you! 

The thing is, when you’re on vacation, the last thing you want is food-related symptoms like stomach upset, diarrhea/constipation, headaches, or low energy. Try some of these ideas: 

  • When they come with the chips or bread basket, just say no. A simple wave of the hand and a “no thank you” works. If you want to start with something, get a healthy choice appetizer.

  • No matter what your order, get a side salad, too. Greens will do your body good -- the fiber helps you feel full. Just remember to skip the mayo-based dressings. Better choices include balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and/or fresh-squeezed lemon.

  • Don’t be shy. Fortunately, restaurants are accustomed to accommodating special requests, what with gluten-sensitivities, low-carb diets, paleo, vegetarian, and/or vegan customers. It’s usually not a problem to ask for your fish to be grilled or broiled instead of sautéed, for example. In most places, it’s easy for the kitchen to swap potatoes for spinach or Brussels sprouts. And of course, you can ask for no butter, no sauce, or no whatever-you-want-to-avoid. Your server will be happy to accommodate you!