Healthy Habits to Help You Feel Balanced and On Track

There's something about spring that brings a fresh newness to everything around us. We suddenly have the urge to tidy up our surroundings and clean up our lives. Tapping into that new excitement is the perfect time to focus on adding some healthy practices into your schedule to help you feel great.  

Engaging in some healthy habits that tie into a routine for physical and mental wellness adds to the structure we're desiring. Here's what to focus on to help you feel balanced again. 

Find the stillness

Meditation can bring a stillness that is enjoyable and also healing. Try letting the thoughts flow without stopping them, or if you're feeling a bit harried, try envisioning yourself as a flower growing your roots strong into the ground. Try downloading a meditation app to help you in your endeavors. Headspace and Calm are two popular ones that are both fantastic starting points.  

Enjoy massage

No time to head to the masseuse? No problem! Self-massage can be just as fulfilling. Plus, it helps you stimulate your lymphatic system to drain toxins away and boost blood flow. Choose a soothing oil and massage it in an upward motion, moving toward your heart. Stretching can be an even more straightforward way to add this into your daily routine while enjoying self-massage once a week.  

Wake and take a drink

Drink a glass of water when you wake up in the mornings. Starting your water intake first thing helps your body ease into the processes for the day. Squeeze a fresh lemon into it for added benefits and a pop of flavor.

Don't just brush your teeth

When you brush your teeth, do you remember to brush your tongue too? If not, it's time to start. Doing so can help you get rid of that film of bacteria on your tongue and help your breath stay fresher too. They say it can prevent tooth decay and allow you to enjoy the foods you eat even more since your tongue will be more receptive to the flavors.

By incorporating these simple healthy habits, you're going to feel a significant shift in the way your energy flows this season. You can even add a few more healthy habits you may have had on your to-do list for a while that you are finally ready to dedicate some time to. Whatever choices you make, use this season to add a few simple healthy habits to your daily routine so you can enjoy a healthy lifestyle without overwhelm.