The Lowdown on Soy


Soy has been a popular alternative to meats for vegetarian and vegan eaters for decades. But is soy actually good for you? Let’s take a closer look at the good and bad sides of soy.

Pros of Soy

Soy is a plant-based protein. It’s native to East Asia, and a lot of cuisine from that area contains soy. Soy is very low in calories and fat and filled with great things like folate, iron, potassium, calcium, selenium, manganese, and vitamin B6.

Soy is definitely a choice for protein, fiber, and vitamins without the associated cholesterol you’d get from meat. It's easy to find options in the grocery store, and items such as tempeh or tofu are very versatile and easily mixed into recipes to replace meat.

Cons of Soy

While many studies are proving that soy is beneficial, there are also others that remind us that more research needs to be done to make a case for soy. Soy contains something called isoflavones, which act like estrogen in the body. If you consume too much soy, it could upset your body’s natural hormonal balance. Disrupting your hormone balance can cause havoc in the body, so be careful with soy intake not to ingest large amounts.

The Verdict

While there are conflicting sides to these studies on if soy is a good option or not, it's smart to take an "everything in moderation" approach. Steer clear from the highly processed soy products such as energy bars, soy powders, etc. Instead, get your soy in more natural forms like edamame, soy nuts, tempeh and tofu to capture its benefits without incurring any of the side effects it can give.

Read Your Labels Guide

If you've ever heard the grocery shopping tip to stick to the perimeter of the store, this guide will tell you exactly why that's a fabulous idea.

The perimeter of the supermarket is where the fresh foods are -- that's where you'll find your produce, your bulk bins, and a vast majority of the unprocessed, whole foods you strive to eat. The fresher the foods, the less likely you’ll find unhealthy ingredients lurking.

Check out this FREE guide for what to avoid on your next shopping trip so you can be informed and ready to find the best food for you!

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